Wednesday, August 04, 2004

My Car

The stories of how I got my car, and the famous roadtrip to see The Shins are both ones I've been wanting to tell since I started my blog. Today I will tell you the former story.

My dear friend, Mr. Ashley Hord, sold me his Saturn. But, I, having just finished school, have no money. (Actually, I have negative money, but who's accounting?) So, actually, he gave me his car, until such time as I can pay for it.

That's right. He gave it to me. He serviced it, washed it, and made it look like new. And then he handed me the keys.

We'll discuss why he gave it to me shortly, but first let's talk about Ashley. He and I met my second semester of my freshman year at A&M (Spring 97). I was minding my own business, nose in the books as always, when I heard noise outside of my Hart Hall room (D-15).

I went outside, and just before I yelled, ``QUIET DOWN! SCHOOL IS FOR STUDYING!'' I was greeted by the outstretched hand of Trey Mangan, Ashley's then roommate. They, with help from Bianca, were moving into a room across from mine.

No sooner had I met them, than they were inviting me to hang out and watch a movie with them over at Legett. That was my first evening in Legett, but it wouldn't be the last. Among other things, Ashley and Trey, who spent way too much time there, taught me how to woo those lovely Legett Ladies.

Well, I could ramble all night long about the many adventures Ashley and I shared... (Well actually, probably not. I tend to forget these things.) But, I want to talk a little about him as a person, and get to the whole point of the story, before I completely lose your attention.

If people's insides were on their outsides, Ashley would look like Tom Cruise. When it comes to important things, he is mature beyond his years. Yet, he maintains a jovial attitude and can even get pretty rambunctious! ;-)

Ashley understands true investments. Ashley understands gifts. And he understands what love really is.

After Ashley graduated with a degree in Elementary Education he taught 1st and 2nd grade at Sneed Elementary in Alief ISD. During a couple of his summers he went on mission trips with TeenMania, once to Botswana, Africa and once to Australia.

He felt so strongly a call to ministry in Botswana that, after careful consideration and planning, he took a teaching job there. Being that this is not a paying job (at least, not in the usual sense), Ashley raised financial support through donations.

Here's where the car comes in. Ashley left for Botswana in early June, but he couldn't practically take the car with him (its cheaper to buy a car there). So he had to sell his car. Well, a buyer never materialized. So he offered it to me, and right when I needed it.

He said, ``You are going to need a car to find a job, and you need a job to support me in Africa!'' I could not say no to this plan!

I am truly blessed with some amazing friends (the reader included!) and God continues to meet my family's needs, no matter how large or small, in His perfect timing.

If you are curious, Ashley is having a great time in Botswana. He is very busy chasing cows out of his yard and helping out at the church and international school.

If you would like to help support Ashley, just let me know and I'll pass on the necessary information. Hopefully Ashley will join the international blog craze so we can read all about his wild adventures.

As always, thanks for reading!

Go siame!


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